To my mind, many countries fall into the trap of digitalization, as I call it.
What happens is this: a government comes into power that supports the current trends of society and strives for a fast and advanced development of society, which necessarily leads it to digitalization. Then, as a rule, everyone follows a well-trodden path. An appropriate working group in government is created, which summarizes the best practices of similar activities in other countries. This experience is summarized and adapted to the realities of a particular country. Appropriate road maps are created.
Last updated 3 mins ago
Digitalization in the evolution of modern society at the present stage of its development plays a very important, perhaps largely unappreciated, role.
Every country, regardless of its cultural and other foundations, is bringing digitalization into its life. Moreover, paradoxically, countries with lower levels of economic development in terms of digitalization may be in the lead. The leaders in this competition are the countries where a high level of development of the national industry is combined with the will of the national leadership to change and speed up development and, generally, where there are no other drivers of economic development.
Then there is the development of appropriate databases, various software products or the adaptation of platform decisions that are already in use to the digitalization concept that has been developed. Then there is the complex implementation process, which is accompanied by many identified bottlenecks, problems, errors that need to be corrected. The process of training the personnel who will maintain these software packages, front and back office teams, servicing and setting up, maintaining the viability of the software products.
Anyone who has experienced such processes, even at a small company level, will understand, and for people who have not, it is not difficult to imagine how, to put it mildly, not a simple process it is. After more than a year of this kind of work, in an ideal case (mainly if the head of the government has the will) a most modern, possibly breakthrough system is created, which over time also begins to work clearly and conveniently both for the consumers of this product, and for the people who serve this product. After such an optimistic conclusion, delegations from foreign countries start arriving to the country, which has introduced modern principles of work, to study and introduce in their country the best practice at the given moment. But just like last year's telephone, both any software and entire country solutions become obsolete, perhaps at the same rate. However, it happens quite quickly.
From my point of view, looking at different country examples and testing them, I see that these country solutions, which were revolutionary at one time, are now becoming obsolete after 10, 15 years or so. However, this is probably based on the principle that if it works, it is better not to do anything about it. It is carefully guarded against visible modernization. Such problems of escalating digital transformation of processes in both enterprises and public administration often occur. How to avoid this, I will try to reveal in the following articles.
Trofim Eremenko CEO ITdt.dev