iOS outstaff

The main programming language used by our iOS Outstaff Developer is Swift. Apple developed it specifically for its devices in 2014. Compared to Objective-C, which was previously used, it is faster, simpler and more error-resistant.

To code in Swift, you need a special iOS Outstaff Developer environment, Xcode. It works correctly only on Apple devices:

  1. MacBook,
  2. iMac,
  3. Mac Pro,
  4. Mac Studio,
  5. Mac mini.

ITDT iOS developers write all the services that can be downloaded from the Apple Store. Games, banking apps, memos, and delivery services are the work of iOS Outstaff Developer. They are indispensable to any company looking to adapt their services for Apple devices. iOS Outstaff Developer

What our iOS Outstaff Developer can do?

  • WORK IN AN XCODE ENVIRONMENT. Ani OS Outstaff Developer needs to know how its functions work, where its main interface elements are located, how to debug and compile applications in that environment.
  • WORKING IN THE SWIFT LANGUAGE. One needs to understand its syntax, the principles of object-oriented programming, structures, data types, collections, and other features. Swift is regularly changed and updated, so our out-of-the-box developers are constantly studying the current documentation and keeping up with the changes in the language.
  • WORKING WITH THE SERVER SIDE OF THE APPLICATION. As a rule, most services have a server-side - both iOS and Android websites and apps access it. Our out-of-the-box iOS Outstaff Developer use REST APIs and networking principles to work with it.
  • DATA STORAGE. Our outstaff developers use Core Data, Realm, SQL and know how to query them and store information in them. We work with cloud storages, e.g. Firebase.
  • FRAMEWORKS. A framework is software, which helps unite the different components of a large project. For example, in iOS development, UIKit is used to work with graphics, and our out-of-the-box developers use it to create interfaces.
  • APP LAYOUT. iOS Outstaff Developers are responsible, among other things, for the look and feel of an app. For this purpose our outstaff specialists work in graphical editors, e.g. Figma, Sketch, Zeplin, and are familiar with describing interface via code, as well as in UIKit or SwiftUI framework, which is the successor of it.
  • OPTIMIZATION. An application should not only work, but also make the best use of memory and computational resources. To achieve this, our outstaff developers optimize it using both the code itself and third-party tools.
  • WORK IN GIT. Large teams usually write applications, so the code always has several versions. In order not to be mixed up in them and to work on the code together, there is a Git system and tools for working in it: GitHub, GitLab and others. The iOS Outstaff Developer is able to make use of all the advantages of this service.
  • PROGRAMMING IN OBJECTIVE-C. This skill is not obligatory for the iOS-development profession, but it is sometimes used by our outstaff developers to support old applications written before Swift spread.

What are the features
of our iOS Outstaff Developer?

The organization of their own work. No one is "on their back" all 8 hours a day. Work is almost always done remotely, and even in our shared outstaff office there is usually a relaxed atmosphere. The outstaff member plans the working day, assigns tasks and monitors their implementation, strictly adhering to deadlines.

iOS Outstaff

The financial benefits of an iOS Outstaff Developer

It is worth noting that the process of hiring employees is quite lengthy and time-consuming. At the same time, if you outsource, you can reduce the cost of:

  Searching for a particular vacancy. You can contact a specialized employment agency both to outsource your existing employees and to hire new ones. Most intermediary companies have a broad base of available employees. This way, you do not have to spend time and effort looking for the right people;

  HR administration. Since the employee does not work for you, you do not have to form his personal file, arrange various certificates, sick leaves, consider him when submitting statistical reports and so on. Thus, the workload of the HR department is significantly reduced (as well as the necessary salaries for this service);

  Payment of salaries and related taxes. ITDT.DEV’s human resources department will handle all this. You can thus save on your own personnel system and avoid unnecessary paperwork for highly specialized tasks in your business.

Large companies that use iOS Outstaff Developer can reduce their costs for these items by up to 5 times. Most companies turn to such a service precisely because they are looking for an additional financial benefit.

Some features of hiring an iOS Outstaff Developer through outstaffing are

  • Dealing with staff constraints. In addition, it does not matter why you cannot increase the number of your own employees (corporate policy does not allow it, increasing the number of employees will make it impossible to stay on the simplified taxation system, and so on). By outsourcing, you can quickly attract the number of employees you need, without increasing your formal headcount;
  • Increase the flexibility of staff management. Specialists hired in this way already have all the necessary skills to perform the task. In addition, you can concentrate on your core business by shifting secondary tasks to the outstaffer;
  • No need to deal with regulatory agencies. Since the employees are not in your name, the outsourcing company is responsible. This includes the timely payment of wages and deductions from it. Therefore, you will not be subject to any sanctions or penalties in this respect.

Find out how much an iOS Outstaff Developer costs.